On the Road

Today was a travel day. 

Thank goodness not by train. There was a terrible train crash in Puglia – but we were driving to Sicily. 

Tomorrow is the big day. Steve is swimming from Torre Faro at the tip of Sicily to Calabria. And back. 

When we arrived in Sicily we booked into our hotel , which claims it’s a modern resort but is more like a step back in time to Fawlty Towers. Then we checked out where the swim would start and went to meet the boat captain. 

He is an Italian – a real Sicilian named Giovanni. He was a very good swimmer and held the record for the fastest swim to Calabria for about 30 years! He’s weathered and smiley and doesn’t speak English! 


Carlo the rugby tragic, Giovanni the boat captain, Steve and Guiseippe

We also met the two Italian men swimming along with Steve. Carlo is in his 40’s and sports mad. He’s a Rugby tragic and only stopped when broke a bone ( through the skin) in his hip playing 7’s ! He now swims. The other guy is also a big ex rugby player who lives to swim. Both are lovely. 

Carlo speaks English but Guiseippe doesn’t. So my Italian is getting a workout. 

We met at Giovanni’s home and his sweet wife made us an almond flavoured drink. We had the briefing for tomorrow. He feels they will swim fast. There are winds and currents to think about,  also the shark that was seen today ( but we’re not thinking about that – much!) Ge said it would be perfect. 

We then piled into a small car and went to  a local cafe  ( Giovanni wanted to treat the swimmers) for a Granita – that lovely icy drink to wish them all good luck. No beer or champagne for them yet. 

Then off to the point of Sicily to check it out and have a small swim. It was gorgeous in. Clear, blue and perfect temperature. Well it was for us. But Carlo and particularly Giuseippe found it cold and will probably wear a wet suit! What? Wimps comes to mind! 

Although speaking to Guiseippe – he also swam from Spain to Morocco in 2014 and they had the get him out about 1 km from the end as there was a big shark! They moved him along the coast checked the water and he got back in and finished the swim. So perhaps only a wimp when it comes to water temperature! 

We then returned to our ‘resort’ for probably the worst meal of the holiday. Poor Steve he wanted something delicious and carb loading. But it was very average. 

So to bed with dreams of another successful crossing. 

I’ll let you know how it goes but fingers xxxxxx